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Is "Masuk Angin" Real? Symptoms, Treatment, and When to See a Doctor

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masuk angin

The term "masuk angin" is very familiar to Indonesian people. Almost everyone, from children to adults, has experienced it or at least heard of it. This term is usually used to describe a body condition that feels uncomfortable, such as bloating, nausea, headaches, and aches. However, is "masuk angin" a real medical condition, or is it just a cultural myth?

Although "masuk angin" is not officially recognized as a medical term, many people use it to describe various mild symptoms they experience. In this article, we will discuss what "masuk angin" means according to the public and medical perspective, its symptoms, treatment, and when to consult a doctor.

masuk angin

In general, the symptoms of a "masuk angin" according to Indonesian people can include various things, from feelings of discomfort to physical signs that are felt and seen. Some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Bloating

    One of the most common symptoms is a feeling of fullness and bloating. Many believe that trapped wind in the body causes stomach discomfort.

  • Nausea and Vomiting

    In addition to bloating, some people may feel nauseous or even experience mild vomiting. This is often associated with indigestion in the stomach.

  • Headache and Dizziness

    Another common symptom is a headache or dizziness, which may occur due to fatigue or dehydration.

  • Mild Fever

    In some cases, a cold is also associated with a mild fever, although this is usually not a high fever that requires immediate medical attention.

  • Muscle Aches and Body Aches

    Many people also complain of feeling tired and achy, similar to the symptoms experienced with the flu.

  • Cough or Flu

    Some people may also experience a cough or flu a few days after feeling unwell, although this is more likely to be caused by a respiratory virus infection such as the common cold.

The above symptoms often appear after the body is exposed to cold weather, rain, or wind, which according to people's beliefs cause someone to get a "angin". However, in the medical world, these symptoms are often associated with more specific health conditions, such as flu or digestive disorders.

masuk angin

Does "Masuk Angin" Exist Medically?

In medical terminology, "masuk angin" is not recognized as an official disease. Doctors tend to associate the symptoms of "masuk angin" with more obvious and defined medical conditions, such as:

  • Common Cold

    Some symptoms of a cold such as cough, runny nose, headache, and mild fever are common indicators of the common cold. The flu is caused by a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system.

  • Dyspepsia or Digestive Disorders

    Symptoms of bloating and nausea often associated with a cold are most likely related to digestive disorders, known medically as dyspepsia. This condition usually occurs due to excess gas in the stomach or other digestive tract disorders.

  • Stress or Physical Fatigue

    Headaches and fatigue that occur after intense physical activity or stress can be mistaken for a cold. In reality, the body simply needs time to rest and recover.

Although "masuk angin" has no clear medical basis, the symptoms associated with this condition are very real for those who experience it. Indonesian people often treat it with traditional methods believed to alleviate symptoms, such as "kerokan".

masuk angin

How to Treat "Masuk Angin"

Colds are usually treated with traditional methods that have long been used in Indonesia. Here are some popular methods used:

  • "Kerokan"

    "Kerokan" is one of the most common traditional healing methods in Indonesia. It involves rubbing a coin or other blunt object on the back after it has been smeared with oil. This practice is believed to release trapped "wind" in the body, although there is no scientific evidence to support it. Many people report that their symptoms have subsided after undergoing "kerokan".

  • Drinking Jamu or Herbal Medicine

    Apart from kerokan, Indonesians often consume jamu or herbal medicine to alleviate cold symptoms. Jamu, such as ginger tea, turmeric, and tamarind, are believed to warm the body and aid digestion.

  • Get Enough Rest

    Rest is one of the most effective ways to help the body recover. A tired body needs time to recuperate from stress or minor infections like the flu.

  • Eating Warm Food and Drinks

    Warm food and drinks, such as soup or warm tea, are often recommended to relieve cold symptoms. Warm food helps to improve blood circulation and provides comfort to the body.

When to See a Doctor?

Although colds are generally considered a mild condition that can heal on their own, there are some situations where you should see a doctor immediately, especially if the symptoms do not improve or get worse. Here are some signs that you should see a doctor immediately:

  • High Fever

    If the fever reaches more than 38.5 degrees Celsius and does not subside within a few days, you should seek medical help. This could be a sign of a more serious infection, such as a bacterial or viral infection that requires further treatment.

  • Shortness of Breath or Chest Pain

    Symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain can be signs of serious lung or heart problems. Consult a doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms.

  • Severe Nausea and Vomiting

    If severe nausea and vomiting occur continuously to the point of dehydration, it is important to seek medical help immediately.

  • Prolonged Cough

    A cough that does not go away for more than a week, accompanied by green or bloody phlegm, could be a sign of a more serious infection and requires further examination.

Traditional treatments such as "kerokan" and drinking herbal medicine are often the first solutions tried by people. However, if the symptoms do not improve or show more serious signs, it is very important to immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment. Remember, never underestimate simple things, especially those that concern health problems and what happens to our bodies :)


  1. Hellosehat: Masuk Angin, Sebenernya Penyakit Apa Sih?

  2. Alodokter: Masuk Angin dalam Sudut Pandang Medis

  3. Mayo Clinic: Common Cold – Symptoms and Causes

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